If it is sunny we try to make it to the park. It is one of my favorite activities to do with my kids. They love it, I love it, they are active, I get to hang out with friends, relax on the bench, and play with them. It is a win, win, situation every time. I always feel like I had a good mom moment when I get to take them to the park.
We have had some great weather, sporadically lately. We took advantage one evening to all ride our chosen form of transportation. Paige loves this skateboard. She has a bike, roller blades, and this (its Robs actually). It was fun to just be outside after a long, and very cold winter for us Oregonians. The sun is setting later and later so we can hang out well into the evening.
Since I couldn't fit us all in one post here are the rest of us with our wheels. Gracie just learned how to ride on, "2 wheels", so we all joined in with our wheels of choice. Rob loves his new bike. I equally love my jogger, which has been through all 4 of my babies. I am petitioning in vain for a double jogger. Whitney is our no fear biker on her cute red bike. Crew is just so darn cute, pink scooter and all, he just can't stay off of it to Whitney's dismay.
Spring Break. Yippie. It was so nice for all of us to have a week off of school. Since Rob is yet again ripping out floors in our house (including moving all of the appliances out of the kitchen) we (meaning the 4 kids and I) decided to spend a day up in Portland. We headed up to the zoo to meet up with some long lost friends from the bay area. Marrisa, Lanie, and Leslie were there with all of their beautiful children. They to have all moved to Oregon, anyone else want to move up here? Although it was cold it didn't rain on us and we had such a great time. Lanie was gracious enough to feed me and my kids as well before we headed home.
Paige's baptism was a wonderful event, and very special for our family and for our friends. We had her take the missionary discussions leading up to the baptism to give her the opportunity to make an informed decision regarding this event. She was ecstatic. She relished the entire process, and was so proud of dad for only having to dunk her once. Bishop Bingham came over to our home and confirmed her with all of our friends and family. It was great. It was so much fun to have so many of our wonderful friends from San Francisco here. We miss them and love them and felt so blessed to have them come and visit. Thanks everyone!!!
Paige's baptism was a perfect opportunity for family photo time. We took full advantage. Our family, the nings, Susie and I (this might actually be our first photo together) the boys.
OK so not that exciting, but major change for me. I cut off my hair. It feels great, like I lost 5 pounds. If only that were as easy as grabbing a pair of scissors. I wanted to go even shorter, but Becky, my ever so wise stylist said, "lets go in stages". I am grateful that I can still pull it back in my lifelong look of a ponytail.
Simon is the closest thing to a brother Crew is going to get......and luckily they like that idea. They had the best time together. Kelvin thought he should try out what twins would feel like. The boys loved it. They like the view from up there. They followed eachother everywhere all over the house. I love the picture of them wresting. Seriously boys are so different than girls. They treat eachother and Kelvin like a jungle gym. It was so fun having them here with us. We miss them already.
We had a great Easter this year. We had an easter egg hunt in the house before church in the morning, and then a quiet afternoon with just us. We had crepes, fruit, bacon and eggs for our Easter dinner. Yummy. It was a great family day.
In march Grace turned 6. She was ecstatic to say the least. We had her "party" at Rainbow Park and Playground here in Eugene. It was great. Grace was all smiles and loved being with all her friends. Grace is so much fun, she is always happy and wanting to make everyone else happy to.